my research projects.
You can visit my Google Scholar page for an updated publication list. (* denotes equal contribution)

We showed how two prominent methods in non-Markovian Open Quantum Dynamics are fundamentally related through a novel diagrammatic approach. We also showed how this approach could have applications in quantum sensing and Hamiltonian learning.

We develop a quantum master equation in nonsecular Redfield form for pseudo-Hermitian quantum systems (In progress).

We develop a perturbative technique for solving Markovian quantum dissipative dynamics, with the perturbation parameter being a small gap in the eigenspectrum. We then show how to bypass long-lived coherent (prethermal) dynamics and accelerate the relaxation to thermal equilibration in a hyper-exponential manner, a Markovian quantum-assisted Mpemba-like effect.
Felix Ivander, Nicholas Anto-Sztrikacs, and Dvira Segal. arXiv:2301.06135 (2023). Phys. Rev. E.

We show analytically that quantum coherences are generated and sustained in the V model in the steady-state limit if three conditions, conjoining thermal and coherent effects are simultaneously met: (i) the two baths are held at different temperatures. (ii) Bath-induced pathways do not interfere destructively. (iii) Thermal rates do not mingle with the control parameter α to destroy interference through an effective local equilibrium condition. Particularly, we find that coherences are maximized when the heat current is suppressed.
Felix Ivander, Nicholas Anto-Sztrikacs and Dvira Segal. New Journal of Physics, 24 103010 (2022).

Using the reaction coordinate (RC) quantum master equation framework, we investigate and classify higher-than-second-order transport mechanisms. This technique, which relies on the redefinition of the system–environment boundary, allows for the effects of system–bath coupling to be included to high orders.
Nicholas Anto-Sztrikacs, Felix Ivander, and Dvira Segal. J. Chem. Phys. 156, 214107 (2022).

Using the reaction coordinate quantum master equation method, we study the performance of three-level quantum absorption refrigerators, paradigmatic autonomous quantum thermal machines, and reveal central impacts of strong couplings between the working system and the thermal baths.
Felix Ivander*, Nicholas Anto-Sztrikacs* and Dvira Segal. Phys. Rev. E 105, 034112 (2022).

We assess how different SERS experimental methodologies and workflow parameters impact the ML disease classification in simulated clinical samples.
Katelyn Dixon, Nikkie Bonon*, Felix Ivander*, Saba Ale Ebrahim, Anna Zavodni, Ernest Namdar, Moein Shayegannia, Farzhad Khalvati, Nazir Kherani, and Naomi Matsuura (ACS Applied Nano Materials 10.1021, 2023).

For my first project, I worked under Prof. David C. Stone and designed an open-access Gas Chromatography Simulator
The thesis describing this work can be accessed here.
  • Journal club presentation on the RCME method
  • Quantum Mechanics B (Physics 221B at Berkeley) final project on the Kubo Formula
  • Equilibrium Statistical Physics (Physics 211 at Berkeley) final project on Quantum Thermodynamics
  • My undergraduate final thesis
  • My notes on polaron transformation, Nakajima-Zwanzig equation, and DMD
© Felix Ivander 2023.